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Arizona Railway Museum Rating: None

Arizona Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Chandler Email This Bookmark Print
Arizona Railway Museum is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1983. It aims to educate the generations of today on information about the train of yesteryears. The display and the buildings are free of charge. Please feel free to explore the Display Yard and observe the equipment. The yard is open for the public and is surfaced in its original flooring which is the crushed rocks. The building showcases small artifacts and railway accessories as well as gift shops sand restrooms. The Display is a museum of sorts, because it contains the old tools, implements used by the employees of the station, mementoes and the rolling stock of the company. The Display Cars, usually four of them, can be rented at a small fee of $2 per person or $5 per group or per family. A caboose is open for visitors who wish to enter and see the exterior. During Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday mornings, tours for groups made up of 25 people or less; and groups of students age 10 and above, are available for reservation only. The Arizona Railway Museum is the perfect place wherein one can show the generation of today about the transportation of the past.
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