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Mandalay State Beach Rating: None

California Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Oxnard Email This Bookmark Print
The Mandalay State Beach is a state park and beach in Oxnard, California. It was created to make a sandy ocean beach available to the public for recreational purposes without having to alter the site?s integrity significantly.

Being mostly a recreation area, visitors are allowed to enjoy all public beach related recreational activities like fishing and surfing. However, being operated by the county, the site does not honor the state?s annual day use pass. This is why there are no support facilities available at the site.

Also created to protect the dune and wetlands ecosystems that are deemed important for natural values, Mandalay State Beach covers 94 acres of undeveloped beachfront. It is home to at least two threatened bird species (the Least Tern and Snowy Plover).
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