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Old 08-02-2012, 06:07 AM  
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Aylett (Richmond Area), VA
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This is old and has been circulating for awhile.......just posting, from an e-mail, for you who missed it.....you can read the complete story by clicking the "Snopes" link......part of the article had to be shortened to fit in the posting....

Very interesting -- the University is standing by their professor

and not bowing down to special interest groups!

Professor Wichman E-mail
Claim: < /b>

A Michigan professor sent an e-mail telling Muslim students to leave the country.


The story begins at Michigan State University with a mechanical engineering professor named Indrek Wichman.

Wichman sent an e-mail to the Muslim Student's Association.
The e-mail was in response to the students' protest of the Danish cartoons that portrayed the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist.
The group had complained the cartoons were 'hate speech.'

Enter Professor Wichman.

In his e-mail, he said the following:

Dear Muslim Association,
As a professor of Mechanical Engineering here at MSU I intend to protest your protest.
I am offended not by cartoons, but by more mundane things like beheadings of civilians, cowardly attacks on public buildings, suicide murders, murders of Catholic priests (the latest in Turkey), burnings of Christian churches, the continued persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt, the imposition of Sharia law on non-Muslims, the rapes of Scandinavian girls and women (called 'whores' in your culture), the murder of film directors in Holland, and the rioting and looting in Paris France.
This is what offends me, a soft-spoken person and academic, and many, many of my colleagues.I counsel you dissatisfied, aggressive, brutal, and uncivilized slave-trading Muslims to be very aware of this as you proceed with your infantile 'protests.'
If you do not like the values of the West - see the First Amendment - you are free to leave. I hope for God's sake that most of you choose that option.
Please return to your ancestral homelands and build them up yourselves instead of troubling Americans..
I. S. Wichman
Professor of Mechanical Engineering


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"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - A. Einstein

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Old 08-02-2012, 08:36 PM  
AK 47 toting Liberal!
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Originally Posted by teaberryeagle View Post
This is old and has been circulating for awhile.......just posting, from an e-mail, for you who missed it.....you can read the complete story by clicking the "Snopes" link......part of the article had to be shortened to fit in the posting....

Very interesting -- the University is standing by their professor

and not bowing down to special interest groups!

Professor Wichman E-mail
Claim: < /b>

A Michigan professor sent an e-mail telling Muslim students to leave the country.


The story begins at Michigan State University with a mechanical engineering professor named Indrek Wichman.

Wichman sent an e-mail to the Muslim Student's Association.
The e-mail was in response to the students' protest of the Danish cartoons that portrayed the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist.
The group had complained the cartoons were 'hate speech.'

Enter Professor Wichman.

In his e-mail, he said the following:

Dear Muslim Association,
As a professor of Mechanical Engineering here at MSU I intend to protest your protest.
I am offended not by cartoons, but by more mundane things like beheadings of civilians, cowardly attacks on public buildings, suicide murders, murders of Catholic priests (the latest in Turkey), burnings of Christian churches, the continued persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt, the imposition of Sharia law on non-Muslims, the rapes of Scandinavian girls and women (called 'whores' in your culture), the murder of film directors in Holland, and the rioting and looting in Paris France.
This is what offends me, a soft-spoken person and academic, and many, many of my colleagues.I counsel you dissatisfied, aggressive, brutal, and uncivilized slave-trading Muslims to be very aware of this as you proceed with your infantile 'protests.'
If you do not like the values of the West - see the First Amendment - you are free to leave. I hope for God's sake that most of you choose that option.
Please return to your ancestral homelands and build them up yourselves instead of troubling Americans..
I. S. Wichman
Professor of Mechanical Engineering


================================================== ==========

............And Indrek, you also forgot about the systematic rounding up and forced slavery of Africans to work as slaves in the fields, so the Muslims could make a profit, at someone elses expense, Lord forbid that they should treat these people as human beings, as well as the beatings, hangings of slaves, the removal of genitals for display, etc etc, all, in an effort to invoke fear and control, and fuel their economy. .....And what about the systematic rounding up of Indians forced to move again and again as they put them in less and less desirable lands that we didn't want, as the Muslims murdered, stole and disrupted their lives as they pushed in further and further with there survey equipment, raping the land of its resources, just because it was there. Then you have those pesky Muslims persecuting and murdering the Mormon Pioneers as they headed west to practice their religion. Let's of course not forget about those darn Muslims, those evil Muslims, dressing up in white sheets and hanging African Americans all in the name of rightiousness, heck, they even murdered white folks who tried to help people register to vote and blowing up women and children as they go to their place of worship. Heck, those Muslims never even allowed African Americans nor women to own land or vote. Even today, the Muslims insist on depriving people of basic rights such as gay marriage or healthcare, even as they tout their Constitution as if it were some sort of religious document. Today, they start wars in places like Iraq, and kill innocent woman and children, so they can get the oil and turn a profit. We shouldn't forget the horrible pollution those Muslims caused, like Love canal, and the whole DDT thing. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

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Old 08-03-2012, 05:01 AM  
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Greenville, SC
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Originally Posted by rainbow View Post
............And Indrek, you also forgot about the systematic rounding up and forced slavery of Africans to work as slaves in the fields, so the Muslims could make a profit, at someone elses expense, Lord forbid that they should treat these people as human beings, as well as the beatings, hangings of slaves, the removal of genitals for display, etc etc, all, in an effort to invoke fear and control, and fuel their economy. .....And what about the systematic rounding up of Indians forced to move again and again as they put them in less and less desirable lands that we didn't want, as the Muslims murdered, stole and disrupted their lives as they pushed in further and further with there survey equipment, raping the land of its resources, just because it was there. Then you have those pesky Muslims persecuting and murdering the Mormon Pioneers as they headed west to practice their religion. Let's of course not forget about those darn Muslims, those evil Muslims, dressing up in white sheets and hanging African Americans all in the name of rightiousness, heck, they even murdered white folks who tried to help people register to vote and blowing up women and children as they go to their place of worship. Heck, those Muslims never even allowed African Americans nor women to own land or vote. Even today, the Muslims insist on depriving people of basic rights such as gay marriage or healthcare, even as they tout their Constitution as if it were some sort of religious document. Today, they start wars in places like Iraq, and kill innocent woman and children, so they can get the oil and turn a profit. We shouldn't forget the horrible pollution those Muslims caused, like Love canal, and the whole DDT thing. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.
Soo... Why are you in the United States? Sounds like you just described the darker less proud moments in th U.S. and it's history... Hmmm.... Do you remain here because you are some sort of masochist? I just don't understand it. I know if I hated someplace so much I would go somewhere else instead of trying to make it something completely different...
"A society that puts equality ... ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom."

--Milton Friedman (1912-2006)
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Old 08-03-2012, 05:37 AM  
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You Muslim apologists exhibit an astounding amount of ignorance about the faith you profess to admire. Ever hear the term Dhimmitude? Jihad? These are things stated un-categorically in the Quran and Surah. By the way there are three books the Muslims revere. The Quran, is their "Bible", and contains the Surah an account of Mo' their cult leader, and the Hadith a collection of theological rulings numbering in the thousands.
The Surah show how the perfect Muslim, Mo' would live, things like killing anyone who criticizes you, throwing acid in the face of your estranged wife, or a woman who rejects you, cutting the head off of infidels, kind of a barbaric WWMD..What would mohammed do. I haven't seen any bracelets yet, but they probably wear them under their robes. Don't kid yourselves, we aren't at war with radicals we are at war with the Muslim faith, what it tells them to do. The Hadith is a real sacred book. It tells them which hand to wipe their ass with, since, I guess they never did it before, which might explain the robes. It also stipulates which foot they have to step in and out of a toilet with. Which hand to eat with, since I suppose it did not occur to them to wash their hand after wiping their ass without toilet paper, which they feel is unclean. Their books are full of all sorts of useless...I mean useful information. Its a window into their minds, which is pretty scary. Do unto others as they do unto you? Not on your life. More like do to others first before they do unto you, and for the slightest provocation and insult. The Ft Hood shooter, the 9/11 killers were all good Muslims. Don't kid yourself. The NYC would be car bomber illustrates that any Muslim at any time can become a terrorist. If his life had not gone off track, his American dream derailed, he might have been happy and content. But as soon as things went wrong, he retreated into their hate filled book and blamed not Allah, who according to them preordains all things, but he blamed those around him, his neighbors were suddenly Infidels to be hated and killed. Any Muslim at any time can turn on you. I treat them as such. They are like a dog you don't know. You don't put out your hand to feed them. Oh did I say that they think dogs are unclean? The top 9 unclean things for a Muslim according to one of their current revered Mullahs in order are: Urine, Stool, Semen, Blood, Corpses, Dogs, Pigs, Infidels, Liquor.
So you see Muslims feel Infidels or Kafirs, are unclean not too far below a pile of steaming ****. This is THEIR belief. So much for peaceful coexistence and tolerance. There is no peaceful or coexistence in their vocabulary, its coexistence in a degraded second class state on their terms.
If you haven?t heard of Dhimmitude, you are seeing it in action right now.
Dhimmitude is the part of Sharia Law that mandates that infidels must live in a state of second class citizenship below Muslims. If one does not convert or is not killed, they must live in Dhimmitude. This is pretty much the same state the Jews lived in under the Nazis. It mandates distinctive dress and a Dhimmitude tax. New places of worship cannot be built and the Dhimmis live in a perpetual state of uncertainty, kind of a ceasefire state under the ?protection? of the Muslims. If for any reason, an affront, insult just about anything, they can void the protection state and a state of war exists. This explains the church burnings, killings and rapes of Christians in Muslim countries. Gradually the degrading and appalling conditions of Dhimmitude cause people to leave?ever wonder why so many Lebanese Christians live here? Because they fled Lebanon, which was once a majority Christian state, a leftover from the Crusader Christian states. Over time, Dhimmitude took its toll, and you see the same thing going on in other countries. In fact Dearborn Michigan is in a virtual state of Dhimmitude. Oppression of the majority. Heard of the mass rapes of non Muslim women? Forced prostitution of Christian girls ages 15 and younger by Muslims?in Great Britain?! Muslims feel empowered to do these things once they are in a majority. Remember they think we are akin to a steaming pile of ****. All western women are whores?remember the gang rape of the network news woman in Egypt? That was not an aberration, that was their mindset. If a woman is not subservient and does now wear a hajib or burkha, she is a whore. I experienced that attitude in Munich in the 70?s, when they were still a very small minority. Muslim Turk guest workers thought nothing of groping western women if they felt they had the upper hand and could get away with it. They were pigs. Did I mention that they think pigs are unclean? But then they thing Mo? road a magical white horsey who could leap tall buildings at a single bound and rode him one fine starry night from Mecca to Jerusalem and from the Temple mount cruised on up to heaven and gave some high fives to Abraham, Moses and all the other prophets who resoundingly told him what a good job he was doing with his new religion which by the way borrowed pretty much everything from pagan religions, Zorastraism, Judaism, Christianity and probably a potty training book of undetermined origin. The whole made up story was a bit self serving, just like the Satanic verses which recount how Mo? taken with the wife of another stole her away and justified it by saying god said it was okay. What rubbish. Don?t get me wrong, I?m an atheist and feel that most religions are pretty much crap, but Islam by far is the most hate filled load of **** I have ever read.
The fact that the Muslims breed like cock roaches is another alarming thing. They have a birthrate 5 times that of the US as a whole. 5% versus 1%. So beware. Its like welcoming a flea into your house.
I'm all for freedom of religion, so as soon as we can all go over to Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan and build churches, pass out bibles, and preach Greek mythology on the street corners without the government locking us up, or some true believer cutting our head off, or raping our daughters, I say lets treat them the way they treat us. Lets add eating a BLT or Ham on Rye a condition of citizenship.
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Old 08-03-2012, 10:57 AM  
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"Islam is a caustic blend of regurgitated paganism and twisted Bible stories. Muhammad, its lone prophet, conceived his religion solely to satiate his lust for power, sex, and money. He was a terrorist. And if you think these conclusions are shocking, wait until you see the evidence."

Islam is humanities largest threat. It is not a true religion but the ramblings of a mad man turned cult.
I believe in God my issues are with organized religion. Islam is the worst of the bunch and has and is a curse to mankind.

The Islamist are stoning Christians in Dearborn Michigan.

If you stick up for these people you are a traitor to your country. We are at war with Islam. The world is at war with Islam....don't believe me...ask them they declared this war and are actively waging it.
Life's A HOOT!
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Old 08-05-2012, 12:25 PM  
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Here's what I think !

This is becoming a very good thread , if you are not the shinnyest star in the sky that is !
There's some of us here , doing the dirty work for the rest , one carp at a time !
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Old 08-06-2012, 07:06 AM  
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Aylett (Richmond Area), VA
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Here's some "heavy" reading/study for you......maybe you can understand it....
definitely hard to comprehend all the topics and subtopics.....

Examining The Qur'an



Orientalism, Misinformation and Islam

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Is The Bible In Our Hands The Same As During The Time Of Muhammad(P)?

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Read the Quran in the language of your choice...


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"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - A. Einstein

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Old 08-06-2012, 07:59 PM  
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“Thanks to your democratic laws we will invade you; thanks to our religious laws, we will dominate you.”

Islamic Cleric: Archbishop of Izmir

Like most religions, Islam in general, forbids lying. The Quran says, “Truly, Allah does not guide one who transgresses and lies.” Surah 40:28. In another authoritative book, called the Hadith, Mohammed was also quoted as saying the following: “Be honest because honesty leads to goodness, and goodness leads to Paradise. Beware of falsehood because it leads to immorality, and immorality leads to Hell.”

However, unlike most religions, within Islam there are certain provisions under which lying and deceiving is not simply tolerated, but actually encouraged. In his book “The spirit of Islam,” Afif A. Tabbarah writes in page 247, “Lying is not always bad, to be sure; there are times when telling a lie is more profitable and better for the general welfare, and for the settlement of conciliation among people, than telling the truth. “

An example of Islamic deception is that Muslim activists always quote the passages of the Qu’ran from the early part of Mohammed's ministry while living in Mecca. These texts are peaceful and exemplify tolerance towards those that are not followers of Islam. All the while, they are fully aware that most of these passages were abrogated (cancelled and replaced) by passages that came after he migrated to Medina. The replacement verses reflect prejudice, intolerance, and endorse violence upon unbelievers.

It is imperative to understand, that Muslim leaders can use this loop-hole in their religion, to absolve them from any permanent commitment. It is also important to know that what Muslim activists say to spread Islam may not always be the whole truth. When dealing with Muslims, what they say is not the issue. The real issue is what they actually mean in their hearts.


The Islamic principle of lying for the sake of Allah. Falsehoods told to prevent denigration of Islam, to protect oneself, or to promote the cause of Islam are sanctioned by the Qur'an, including lying under penalty of perjury in testimony before the United States Congress, lying or making distorted statements to the media such as claiming that Islam is a religion of peace, and deceiving fellow Muslims when the one lying has deemed them to be apostates. The word literally means to protect or guard against and conveys the principle that Muslims are permitted to lie as a preventative measure to protect themselves and Islam, especially in life or liberty threatening circumstances. It is important that the Muslim does not mean it in his heart, however. The concept of Al-Takeyya is based on the following verse in the Qu’ran:

Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers; if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah, except by way of prevention that ye may guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you to remember Himself for the final goal is to Allah. Surah 3:28

Further, the concept of Al Takeyya permits behavior of a Muslim that is contrary to his faith if pretending to befriend infidels, and may:

Consume alcohol
Skip prayers
Skip fasting during the month of Ramadan
Renounce his belief in Allah
Pray to another diety in place of Allah
Lie under oath

The Hadith
One of Mohammed’s daughters (Umm Kalthoum) stated that she never heard him condone or promote lying except under three specific situations:

To reconcile the people of Islam;
In times of war against the infidels;
To a spouse to keep harmony within a family.

Good Sources:



Nothing they say is the truth. Nothing in the quran means anything. All lies. All of it.
Life's A HOOT!
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Old 08-07-2012, 10:19 PM  
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Sorry, been so very busy, and this is such a small, insugnificant forum. For us, we always embrace fine Muslims at our home. They've been very kind folks. My wife taught an Iranian and a Morrocan on the side when she was a college professor, and they both were the most honorable people we ever met. Take care. http://thebigotbasher.com/2010/08/15...e-for-america/
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Old 08-08-2012, 01:51 PM  
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You are missing the point entirely. Knowing a few good muslims means nothing.It's like knowing a few good Nazis. Are the Jews bigots for hating Hitler?

You might find a million good muslims but Islam still has a one billion who wish to cut off your head...now I don't really have a problem with that so much but they want to cut off my head as well and you can call me a bigot all you want...Well.... Excuse Me ....but I have a problem with people who want to take over my country...force sharia law on me and cut off my head. Yeah I am a bigot against those people...dam straight I am.

You need to grow up and face facts....there ant no gold at the end of your rainbow sweetheart ...it's just a pile of zhit.

Life's A HOOT!
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