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Idaho Attractions / Landmarks / Places > St. Charles Email This Bookmark Print
Bear Lake is the home of the infamous Bear Lake Monster, a mythical monster that has been part of the lake?s lore. Bear Lake is a natural lake on the Utah-Idaho border. It has been called the ?Caribbean of the Rockies? because of its turquoise waters. Estimated to be over 250,000 years old, the lake continues to sink due to fault subsidence. The lake measures 109 square miles with an average depth of 94 feet.

The lake was discovered in 1819 by American explorer Donald Mackenzie of the North West Fur Company. The lake is notable for its endemism, as its unique water properties and location led to evolution of unique species of fauna not found anywhere else. These rare animals include Bonneville whitefish, Bonneville Cisco, and Bear Lake whitefish.

The lake is also popular for its rich valleys of raspberries, which tourists visit annually every Raspberry Days Festival.
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