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J. Vivian, Jr. and Company Building Rating: None

Michigan Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Laurium Email This Bookmark Print
Built by a son of a mining expert immigrant, the J. Vivian, Jr. and Company Building is the proof of the Vivian family?s hand in the local business scene of the 19th century Laurium, Michigan. Vivian was son to Captain Johnson Vivian Sr., a mining captain from England who migrated to the US during the mining boom in the country.

The J. Vivian, Jr. and Company Building was constructed in 1894, almost a decade after the establishment of the mercantile business. The venture proved to be a success, so soon enough, other folks have followed the Vivians? success and built their own establishments nearby. This is why the block has soon become the commercial center of the area.

The J. Vivian, Jr. and Company Building operated under Vivian, Jr. until 1936. It is still a commercial building today that is placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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