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James Hunter House Rating: None

South Carolina Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Pendleton Email This Bookmark Print
The James Hunter House traces its history back to 1817, when the lot was initially sold by the Pendleton Circulating Library to Elias Earle. Earle then resold it, until the property got to Hunter?s ownership in 1846.

James Hunter moved to Pendleton to put up a shop. He did so, in the lines of blacksmith and iron forge works. He built the current house in 1860, after the Sitton House?s design, which stands just across the street from it. The property served as an arsenal during the American Civil War years as well as a club house for young men.

The James Hunter House possesses a number of excellent furniture pieces like the Knauffs. Most of the other pieces were made by Phil Sitton, the cabinet shop owner who lives next door and known locally for his skills.
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