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Northwood Ski Trails Rating: None

Wisconsin Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Rhinelander Email This Bookmark Print
The Northwood Ski Trails is a few of the trails used by the Northwoods Nordic Ski Club. It was recently used for the Hodag Nordic Challenge High School Skate Race which was organized by the ski club. Due to its weather changes, the trail conditions vary so it opens only seasonally. The club has the discretion to use this trail or the other two trails: the Rhinelander Community Trails and the CAVOC Ski Trails, as long as the safety of skiers is given importance.

Meanwhile, the Northwoods Nordic Ski Club is the one managing the Nordic trail and two others. This non-profit organization has helped maintain the Wisconsin community?s ski trails to uplift this outdoor ski sport to the public. Aside from managing the ski trails, the club also provides support to the Rhinelander High School Nordic Ski Team and the Rhinelander Middle School Nordic Ski Team.

A membership is highly encouraged for those who want to help the club. Once a member of the Nordic club, one will have the opportunity to learn more about skiing, take advantage of the use of the trails, and provide support and manpower in club events and other areas that is connected to the club. Other sources of funding are taken from money donations and sponsorship of equipment, uniforms and other facilities needed for the club. Volunteers are also needed to maintain the trails, groom the equipment and some office tasks.

When the Northwood Ski Trails is not available for special events and competitions, this is used by the local ski teams supported by the club and the local community. The club makes it their task to inquire for sponsorship and funding for the teams? needs such as their ski equipments, team uniforms, transportation for competitions, and others.

More information about the Northwood Ski Trails can be found by visiting the Northwood Golf Course or the club office in Rhinelander, Winsconsin.
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