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Wizard Quest Rating: None

Wisconsin Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Wisconsin Dells Email This Bookmark Print
A fantasy-themed amusement park for kids and the kids-at-heart, Wizard Quest is a real top tourist attraction in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Basically, the place works in two ways. One, visitors can take the quest to free imprisoned wizards by answering riddles and collecting ?glimmers?. This should be done in just 90 minutes or under, or visitors can?t get a prize.

The other way to enjoy Wizard Quest is just by exploring it. There are tons of passages and hidden entrances all over the place, so discovering them could be fun. Some paths are oddly shaped, though, so some crawling, sliding, climbing, and ducking may be required. This could be taken at leisure, and no time limit is applied.

Winners could enjoy discounts at the gift shop, known as the Gnome Depot.
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