The Isaac Nettles Gravestones are three historic and unique gravestones located in Mount Nebo Baptist Church Cemetery in Clarke County, Alabama. It was made by Isaac ?Ike? Nettles, who made them around 1933 to 1946.
The Isaac Nettles Gravestones are historically significant for being representations of a unique burial tradition in the community. Nettles used death masks or ?frozen face? motif in creating the headstones, something which folklorists identified as a characteristic of an African-derived symbolism in the African American art. How Nettles made the markers is not clear, but it is believed that the faces of the deceased were pressed in sand to make a mold, while wire and concrete were used to creating the gravestones.
The Isaac Nettles Gravestones were added to the National Register of Historic Places for their ethnic heritage and artistic value.
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