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Alaska Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Yakutat Email This Bookmark Print
The New Russia is a historic trading post near Yakutat, Alaska. It was built in 1795 as a maritime fur trading post as well as a Russian penal colony. It was the fur trading center of Kodiak, being the perfect spot for pursuing the southward-moving sea otters.

Possibly named after the ship of Joseph Billings, Slava Rossia or ?The Glory Russia?, the New Russia also caused some rifts among the North Pacific Coast natives and the Russians. In 1805, the post was destroyed in an attack by the natives, where they burned the structure down. The site was never occupied again.

The New Russia has been declared as a National Historic Landmark in 1978 for its role in the Russian-Tlingit relations. It is also used as an archaeological site.
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