The small town of Ravenden holds its pride by maintaining a 12-foot tall raven statue. When the town was established in 1883, the townsfolk thought that it might be better to represent their place by large black birds often straying in the Spring River.
The first raven statue was built in 1991 by Bob Clemens, a resident fire department volunteer. It was made out of fiberglass since the municipality did not have the budget for steel and iron materials. After five years, the local government needed a replacement because the original fiber glass monument was burnt. Unfortunately, two weeks after the second statue was built, local gangsters incinerated it.
The third and last raven monument was made out of mix cement stucco, thinking that it would be indestructible. And since its establishment in 1996, the raven statue is still standing there surrounded by flags of Arkansas and America.
At the base of the monument are statements saying, ?The RAVEN was the first bird sent from the ark in search of land? and ?The RAVEN has the reputation for divine and magical powers?. This species of bird can be found nesting near the town of Ravenden.
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