Hawaii to Alaska! A hop, skip and a jump?
I've done my google-ing, my yelp-ing, and even a fair share of Facebook stalking err research and its time to turn it over to the experts...
I will be moving to Alaska from Hawaii in the next 4-6 months. Where do I begin?! AH! I'm originally from California and have never lived anywhere it snows before. I'm not worried about the cold so much as the long days with out sun. I'm moving to be with the love of my life, he will be stationed at JBER if everything goes according to planned. I'm selling my car and all my furniture and basically anything I don't need/am not emotionally attached to. I'm hoping to spend about a month in CA between HI and AK. Is there anything I should know before I throw caution to the wind and embark on this adventure?
I've got my professional roots in customer service, what is the job market like in Anchorage for that kind background?
Is it reasonable to think that I'd be able to get a job and ride a bicycle to and from work through the summer?
What part of Anchorage should I look in for (pet-friendly) apartments?
How do the locals/natives feel about the military community?
Where is the best Mexican food?
Best walking/hiking/fishing/camping/swimming spots?
Any tips tricks thoughts opinions criticisms jokes or snide remarks would be appreciated.