MOVING to Anchorage end of the summer
Hey, so pretty much the title says it all. I will be moving to anchorage at the end of the summer and by that time i will be 19. My boyfriend already lives up there because he is a soldier stationed at the base (JBER) I'm not here to get lectured about how young I am, etc... Because we know what we want so sorry haha. I like the heat so obviously Alaska is not my first choice but I am excited and I want to make the most of it. I would like to know about peoples experiences (preferably someone close in age) I was a collegiate athlete so i would like to look into the possibility of continuing my education (preferably community college since i will be paying out of state tuition) I will also trying to get a job as a swim instructor or lifeguard because i have loads of experience there and i swam in college. We are already looking at this one apartment in particular and i think that will be the one but it could change... so please just tell me what life is like up there( i've only gone to visit) and what the adjustment might be like (i am from colorado soooo i know what winter and heavy snow is like but i am also used to 90+ summers)