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Old 12-01-2010, 08:08 PM  
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St. Johns, Arizona
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There are a number of things which could cause a major change in society, from political issues (such as World War III, which our continent would not be immune to damage this time), social changes (loss of more significant freedoms than those which we have already lost), or natural disasters (which could be anything from a major earthquake, volcanic eruptions, to a major EMP from a CME). The government has been ramping up survival preparations to a new level for the last ten years, from building of underground structures, stockpiling of food stocks, to building of major retention centers. There are significantly more scientists warning that a major EMP could take out electricity, by shorting out transformers, which the government passed a bill agreeing that our electric grid needs to be protected, but refused to fund or mandate updates. Everyone has seen the recent political unrest and uncertainty with North Korea, the proof of Iranian nuclear weapons ability, and the economic uncertainty around the world. The biggest issue is that governments will not let the public know that there is a reason to stock-up because it would cause major social upheaval, riots, and food hoarding on a mass scale. If you want an example, just think about how people reacted with the Anthrax scare. Thus, as you can see, there are many reasons for preparing and moving to an off-the-grid rural location. Doing this does not mean that life has to change dramatically, just being more prepared by stocking up on food, necessary medical supplies, water, and a plan on how to get out of metropolitan areas, where to go, and where to meet up with other family members, and friends.

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Old 12-02-2010, 12:35 PM  
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tucson, az
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to building of major retention centers.
evidence please

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Old 12-02-2010, 03:09 PM  
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St. Johns, Arizona
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"President Bush claims the power to set aside habeas corpus and to dispense with warrants for arrest and with procedures that guarantee court appearance and trial without undue delay. Today in the US, the executive branch claims the power to arrest a citizen on its own initiative and hold the citizen indefinitely. Thus, Americans are no longer protected from arbitrary arrest and indefinite detention.

These new "seize and hold" powers strip the accused of the protective aspects of law and give reign to selectivity and arbitrariness. No warrant is required for arrest, no charges have to be presented before a judge, and no case has to be put before a jury. As the police are unaccountable, whoever is selected for arrest is at the mercy of arbitrariness."


Critics Fear Emergency Centers Could Be Used for Immigration Round-Ups - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum - FOXNews.com

American Prison Camps Are on the Way | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Please understand that I have not read everything in all of these sites, but they will give you the proof that they do exist and are continuing to be built. Now what they are finally used for is still up for debate, but regardless of the reason for there use I would not want to be in one. Look at what happened to the Haitian people in their tent camp. Cholera. What makes us think that our "camps" would be any different.
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Old 12-08-2010, 03:03 AM  
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Peoria, Arizona
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every now and then i think about some natural disaster or war breaking out in the U.S. and its scary but it can happen. as of now theres not much i can do. im 19, entering college in less than a month, and broke lol. so the best i can do is spread awareness to my family about it all. but later on i do plan on being somewhat prepared. my basic plan consists of living in Washington once im a park ranger, being relatively out of the city, ive had dreams of building my own home up there. the blueprints to said house are engraved in my mind. aside from it being totally kick ass lol, it will be equiped with solar panels and depending on the area, small wind turbines. there will be a decent stockpile of food, cant go wrong with a years supply of wolf brand chili! lol. mostly, i think what sets me apart is that ive grown up hunting. so if it comes to that. im capable of providing a few hundred pounds of elk burgers also, im extremely mechanically inclined. ive worked on everything from a 1972 vw bug to an indy car. im also pretty capable when it comes to home improvements, and no i didnt learn all i know from tim allen. that would be dangerous....
FS: 2000 Jeep XJ Cherokee ECU PM for details
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Old 12-15-2010, 03:21 PM  
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Plover, Wisconsin
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As a northern pepper lover and a off grid want-a-be I would like ya to join us for the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair in Custer WI, July (about the third week). Check this out at Midwest Renewable Energy Fair
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Old 01-12-2011, 08:56 PM  
Zombie Nut
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Tucson, Arizona
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Posts: 21 | Kudos: +10
While I am into preparedness, I have never been much of a tin foil hat guy. I became a member of Zombie Squad because they are into being prepared.

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