Let Me In
I saw Let Me In this weekend. Brilliant.
A remake of the Norwegian Let the Right One In, Let Me In is a semi traditional revision of the Vampire genre.
The genre was dominated, in the late 60's early 70's by Hammer films. The majority of the films produced were cheep and crude, reliant on the tradition of lore, and gratuitous breast in order to ensure box office sales.
Early in the film they pay homage to this tactic, but manage to leave it out in favor of plot and character development.
If you dislike the majority of recent Vampire productions, note, this one is not like that, instead it's based more around the concept of the super human, that books like Dracula and Varney were based on.
If you like 30 Days of Night, and try to stay away from Stephanie Meyers and Anne Rice as much as possible, then you need to see this movie.
I'm a huge fan of Vampire movies, it seems this is a return to what made them great, or at least, I can hope.