the headlines---
--teacher in barrow county forced to resign for facebook page--a parent/someone found a picture of the teacher in Europe with an alcoholic drink in her hand --and she posted that she went to a bar---
mmmmhmmm---i taught--she is well out of that 'pit'---she should thank her Higher Power.
why would anyone want to teach? sorry that i thought i did. got kicked to the curb myself--inner city Savannah--wrong color. they said--'Go' and i did. should have thanked God with all my heart for delivering me from evil.
in twiggs county-a commissioner allowed the county to do work for a church-now he is out of a JOB.
Hannity and Boortz celebrated the joyous occasion of FOX news last week in Centennial Park. i watched a minute or 2--still might vote for Herman Cain--even though he associates with them. none lower than Hannity and Boortz, ashamed that Atlanta contributed to their success--deeply embarassed by both. how could Cox Broadcasting send such a plague upon us.
close to abandoning all hope---we, The People, don't have a prayer.
i continue to pray that one person can be found who is actually capable of leading the Chain of Fools in charge of our Fate.
Springsteen could--he wouldn't touch politics as a career with a 10 foot poll.
Please send someone like BRUCE--to lead this nation.
i will listen to his songs until the close of ages. told by the Hannitized that he is the Devil. try to pry his CD's out of my cold dead hands--that is what I told them. got the ban. didn't care--will never care
i have voted for both sides---convinced neither have the competence to do what needs to be done.
now--respond--lol --as you will--if i must be 'banned' I am prepared to die.
'First Amendment'---born on 911---bring your worst. report me--punish me--I know i have probably violated a forum rule. i deserve my fate.