Originally Posted by blucher
Only two 9mm's are there mostly for emergency. The .25, .32 & .380 are all carry guns I no longer carry. I like to know where each weapon is at all times and I keep them out of the two front rooms for safety reasons.
OK, so you keep the 2 9mils for when the Canadian Army invades. I use to keep a Mossberg 590P. Nothing will cause an intruder to evacuate the premises, and his bowels, faster than the sound of a 12ga slide, especially one that has a bayonet fixed on the lug on the barrel. Pistol grip gave easy maneuverability in halls. I use to care one as a Medic (considered a "defensive" weapon by the Geneva Convention) in the Army and could hit center mass at 100ft using a front bead sight and slugs. But I never needed it, got rid of it and haven't wanted or needed another. You must live in a high crime area?