A little anal? I can own and use a gun to protect my family. An old saying. "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
The truth behind that statement is that as a gun owner you would be an outlaw if guns were outlawed.
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.
I'm in Canada and for your info we are not banned from owning guns I have over 20 with 6 handguns.Yes the school was stupid but the cops reaction was stupider still the law suit that will come from this should be huge and i hope the judge throws the book at the cops that handled this!!
There is no mention of whether a judge was consulted to authorize a search of the home and whether or not he agreed that a mere picture with the child announcing that her daddy uses the gun to shoot monsters with a subesequent query of the registration database showing he did not have a registered weapon was then considered enough to grant the police permission to search the home.
If the facts line up accordingly then we need to craft some better firewalls to prevent this type of "Knee Jerk" suspension of our entitled rights at the mere whim of the judiciary and police.
Maybe if we saw the picture the kid drew we'd have a better understanding of why the big fuss, maybe the picture depicted daddy holding the gun and some one else being shot and bleeding profusely.