I have lived here all my life besides an 8 yr leave in 2000's. Why did I come back? To give my parents a chance to grow with the grandkids. Now that was 3.5 years ago. I HAVE TO GET OUT!!!! Winnipeg sucks you in. It is so good to you and makes you so comfy that you lose ambition to do anything and pretty soon you just want security and are counting the days down to retirement. Anyone else feel this?
I live here, and beside the rampant crime in certain areas, I really like it. Big enough to have almost everything, close enough to a big city (Minneapolis). Lots of things to do if you want. Great outdoor opportunities both inside the city and within an hour drive to the east. The parklands region has awsome fishing, and can be there in a few hours drive.
And all the family except one cousin and one Aunt live withing 45 minutes of each other, and that is a close to 100 people family.
At least the cost of living hasn't got absolutely retarded here in Manitoba. I can make a decent salary and not have to sacrifice spending money on my jeep! Life is good here in Manitoba except for the crazy cold and deadly Mosquitos.
I really want to move there, but I can't get a transfer there until a position opens up which may take a while seeing as I've already been waiting for 4 months..
Winnipeg good place. lived there for about 3 years then moved back to Brandon. Enjoyed all the people there and entertainment. Might move back one day.
People who live in Winnipeg hate it, people who don't live in Winnipeg love it. I personally don't mind it, it some times has a feeling of a small town as you can be 45 mins away from home and still run in to someone you know!
I was born and raised in Winnipeg, moved away when I was 22. I then live in (of all places) Regina for 12 years. The company I was working for asked me to take over a posistion back in Winnipeg, so I moved back there, was there for 5 years and could not wait to leave again. Move top Alberta and just love it out here. Dont know what it is about that city but it's like that old saying "You cvan never go home again". I still make visits there to see family and freinds but I dont think I will ever move back there again.
dont get me wrong, there is a lot of history and interesting things to see and do there, one of the things I do miss though is Salsbury house. Those hamburgers (Nips) they have are something else.
The cat fishing is awesome in Winnipeg. The two rivers are loaded with 30-40 inch 20-30lb monsters. Oh, let's not forget that you can literally sit back drinking beers and catch a good 10 species of fish in 1 day. All within city limits to boot!
Winnipeg CMA just gained 12,000 people last year, making the population as of July 2010 a whopping 753,600. This city only has room for 800,000 so you better hurry before there is no room left!