Sometimes, I'm intrigued by opportunities up in Connecticut. However, after living in low cost of living areas for most of the last decade, a move to a high cost of living state scares the bejesus out of me.
I'd love to have some real world costs to think about---
How much is a basic Big Mac Combo Meal at your local McDonalds?
How much does it cost to heat your basic 3BR 2BA home in the winter?
Do you ride a bus or commuter service into Hartford, Boston or NY? (If so, how much does that cost?)
Do you pay personal property tax on your car? How much does that run?
How much does a professional quality, luxury, apartment cost in your town?
Sometimes, I'm intrigued by opportunities up in Connecticut. However, after living in low cost of living areas for most of the last decade, a move to a high cost of living state scares the bejesus out of me.
I'd love to have some real world costs to think about---
How much is a basic Big Mac Combo Meal at your local McDonalds?
How much does it cost to heat your basic 3BR 2BA home in the winter?
Do you ride a bus or commuter service into Hartford, Boston or NY? (If so, how much does that cost?)
Do you pay personal property tax on your car? How much does that run?
How much does a professional quality, luxury, apartment cost in your town?
Any thoughts would be appreciated...
Big Mac Combo Meal = $5.50
Heat for a 2BA condo, electric $250 / mos
I walk to work in Hartford - $Free
Car Tax 2005 average vehicle - $750 / yr
Luxury Apt, downtown Hartford - $1500 - $2400 for a 2 bdr
Things vary pretty significantly. I lived in Enfield for 3 years which I would consider very reasonable. If you are sticking to the northern part of the state then West Hartford is a fun place to live - I moved there 2 years ago. Houses are a little more pricey but I can walk to EVERYTHING so it's well worth it. I've put 7,000 miles on my car in 2 years.
Sometimes, I'm intrigued by opportunities up in Connecticut. However, after living in low cost of living areas for most of the last decade, a move to a high cost of living state scares the bejesus out of me.
I'd love to have some real world costs to think about---
How much is a basic Big Mac Combo Meal at your local McDonalds?
How much does it cost to heat your basic 3BR 2BA home in the winter?
Do you ride a bus or commuter service into Hartford, Boston or NY? (If so, how much does that cost?)
Do you pay personal property tax on your car? How much does that run?
How much does a professional quality, luxury, apartment cost in your town?
Any thoughts would be appreciated...
So, I live in Bridgeport and work in Fairfield county. I think Bridgeport is the cheapest place to live and still have a reasonable commute to Westport.
So, in order:
6 Bucks.
200, gas. In the summer, it's 220 ish for electric central air
I do not, but the train is cheap and accessible.
I pay almost 7k for property taxes per year on a 200k home.
We rented a non-luxury 2br apartment (it was nice, but not 'luxury') for 1500 a month, plus utilities.
As others have said, it all depends where you live. If you live in the bigger cities, you will pay more. We live about 20 minutes east of Hartford.
Big Mac Meal - about 5 bucks.
Heat - We pay 400 a month and it gets tallied up at the end of the year. If we overpaid (normally do), we get a refund. Of course, this is natural gas we use for heat and cooking.
I drive into Hartford three days a week and Manchester two days a week. I spend about 80 - 120 a month on gas and I drive a 2004 Volvo S80.
Taxes - Someplace around 6 or 7 grand a year for the house and two cars.
Mortage is around 1500 a month on a 2400 sq foot house.
One item I'd like to point out. While we all were hit hard by the '08 recession and are still dealing with the effects, one thing that didn't really change is the housing values. Sure, they fell somewhat but not like other areas.
As an example-
I moved to Syracuse in '92 and tried to do it right. I spent a few weeks there on and off for the better part of the year. march july, september to try and see just what was going on and where I'd want to live. I made sure I lived near a strip mall with a grocery store in it, rented an apt that included heat and that was near a bus line.
Before I moved I made sure I paid off all my debts so I wasn't under the gun every minute, found out where the Motor Vehicle dept was and how to move my license over and started a checking account months prior to the move so that I had ID and wasn't working with low numbered checks. As an aside, when you set up your account, order as many checks as possible. When they arrive throw out the first box (shred 'em!} and carry your old check register in your book as well. It looks better.
Check your auto insurance too. See if you can keep it (do you want too?) and what's up with your rates?
Remember that everything is relative. Paychecks are larger but so a parking ticket 8-D.
Best of luck with the move-
Milford used to be a pricey part of CT, but the house prices are falling fast and you pay low taxes.
Big Mac Combo Meal :$6
cost to heat : 1800 sq/ft $150 per month for oil
Train to NY: $50 round trip
Personal property tax on your car: House $4600/yr Cars avg. $250/yr
professional quality, luxury, apartment: Rentals around $1800/month