Elm FORK Shooting Sports
is the only one I've been to. I went with my Father in law, he works for a Police Department, and it was pretty good. Nice to be outdoors when you shoot so the smoke doesn't bother you too much, seemed like reasonable prices too.
Garland has an outdoor range off of 78 south of 190, Targetmaster is an indoor north of 635 on Jupiter (I think). Gibsons is an outdoor east of Mesquite and last time I was there had a 200yd bay. I don't know of anything bad with of any of these but not knowing what kind of shooting you want to do, this is all I've got.
I think that garland public shooting range is the best (at least for the price).
A lot of places require a few hundred dollars a year just for membership.
With the "city" continually expanding though, I think it's going to be harder and harder to find a good outdoor shooting range.
Anyone know of a good range north of Frisco or Little Elm?
I usually shoot at the range in Garland since they have Rifle, Pistol and shotgun.
There's a fairly new rifle range near Leonard that has 100-500yd lanes, but I haven't been yet, only driven by it. It is called Top Gun Shooting Club. No pistol or shotgun shooting there though.
I have shot pistols at The Bullet Trap, and it's not bad. I went once in the summer and it was REALLY hot in the range though. It isn't air conditioned.
There is also an indoor range near 35E and Mockingbird. I have only been there once though. It seemed good and they allow full auto!
There is an indoor shooting range about the 1400 block of w Mockingbird Ln near I35 that will prepare you for the concealed gun permit. Nice group of ppl there and very safety oriented.