I took this cull buck on the 23rd. He was chasing a doe around me for several minutes. He is the first buck I have got this year, but I have got 4 does.
I took this cull buck on the 23rd. He was chasing a doe around me for several minutes. He is the first buck I have got this year, but I have got 4 does.
Nice bucK! I took the bow out earlier in the season but haven't been able to get in the woods like I'd want... too much work. Maybe I'll get out for some late season action.
I took this cull buck on the 23rd. He was chasing a doe around me for several minutes. He is the first buck I have got this year, but I have got 4 does.
I bet he looked funny chasing does with those short stumpy legs!
I've finally found a place to go hunting and due to my work schedule I haven't been at all this year! I hope to go one time this weekend.
He eluded me for the last three years, so hoping he gets foolish in 2011. This pic is 50 yards from the front door. I don't hunt over corn, just put it there in front of the camera before anyone starts flaming me. This is near Forsyth GA.