There is a local brewery in VA Beach. Its located on 2585 Horse Pasture Rd. #204. 23453. This isn't a GPS-able address so you might want to try Google or Map Quest. They have tastings so if you are a fan of fresh brew then check it out.
There is a local brewery in VA Beach. Its located on 2585 Horse Pasture Rd. #204. 23453. This isn't a GPS-able address so you might want to try Google or Map Quest. They have tastings so if you are a fan of fresh brew then check it out.
There are 4 local breweries now: Williamsburg Alewerks, St George in Hampton, O'Connor Brewing in Norfolk, and the newest is Beach Brewing in Va Beach.
Grape and Gourmet, total wine, and Farm Fresh. You really need to shop around. Most of the Grocery Stores will surprise you with there selection. If you really want great beer... Start Brewing today!
I recently discovered that Total Wine sold more than just wine and ended up going with my dad. We both found this great beer that I would recommend to anybody. Its from Flying Fish and its their Exit 4. Try it out! It's awesome!