Had the munchies and grabbed a small container of "sugar cookies" complete with Disney Pixar "Cars" shapes by Lofthouse Cookies. I was a bit concerned by how much sugar but had ripped off that part of the label. Still attached was the part about amounts.
2000 to 2500 calories
total fat - 80g
Saturated fat - 25g
Chloresterol - 300mg
Sodium - 2400mg
I had to put them away, that's disgusting and the cookies despite all this crap have ZERO flavor.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
Is that for the entire box (probably not), or just 1 serving? Either way, it's sad that a product marketed to kids is that bad for them. Just so were clear, I'm not blaming Lofthouse Cookies for all the child diabetes cases out there, but come on...
Is that for the entire box (probably not), or just 1 serving? Either way, it's sad that a product marketed to kids is that bad for them. Just so were clear, I'm not blaming Lofthouse Cookies for all the child diabetes cases out there, but come on...
A bit horrifying Matt. Since I was 4 I've been reading labels first because I read everything but later because I realized how bad many ingredients are. To market a cookie with a kid's theme is plain evil considering it's contents.
Blame Lofthouse, Disney & Pixar because each had a part.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
NASTY!! I just eat homemade oatmeal cookies anymore (splenda)
I'd research Spenda ifI wanted to bake them but I'm discovering cookies in general have more fat, lard, leavening than I'd guessed. I think I'll confine my baking to bread.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
If the cookies don't get ya it will be a NASA satellite, alien abduction or the mere mention Sarah Palin's name. Every string has an end, enjoy life, eat a cookie, but maybe not a truckload...
If the cookies don't get ya it will be a NASA satellite, alien abduction or the mere mention Sarah Palin's name. Every string has an end, enjoy life, eat a cookie, but maybe not a truckload...
I don't mind dying but I do mind dying stupid.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
I'd research Spenda ifI wanted to bake them but I'm discovering cookies in general have more fat, lard, leavening than I'd guessed. I think I'll confine my baking to bread.
Baking bread? flour? WHITE processed flour? turns to nasty sugar and KILLS people. Huge difference between veggie oil shortening and animal fat lard and the ill health effects they bring. Bread uses sugar, butter and possibly oils. IF (and that's a BIG if) sugar is used in my bread, it comes from local honey, not processed sugars. The splenda is safe to cook with, and certainly safer than processed sugars. Diabetes is like heat stress and pnumonia, once you get it, you're apt to get it again.