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Old 02-09-2011, 01:07 PM  
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Marathon training

Hey guys! So I finally decided to do it - I'm going to run a marathon. I've run a few half-marathons, but never a full one. Anyone here ever run one? I'm researching a training regimen.

I don't want you to google "Marathon training" and post it on here! I'm looking for real regimens that people have used, and have worked for them. I've already looked at 100 different google-derived regimens!

Thanks guys!

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Old 02-16-2011, 11:35 AM  
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Like you, I've only done 1/2 marathons. I don't plan to do any full marathons, because I have some injuries that are easily aggrevated by too many miles. But what has worked for me when training for a 1/2 marathon is to do moderate runs on Monday and Wednesday, a long run on Friday, moderate run on Saturday, and an easy low mileage run on Sunday (Sunday is optional). I am also a cyclist, so I also do moderate bike rides as well. The key for me is to increase my long run each Friday by about a mile. But it depends on how I feel. Sometimes I will do the same mileage two Friday's in a row, and then bump up a mile the next week.

I have a friend at work that does marathons (and ultra's), and she does bascially the same thing. Before her first marathon, she peaked at about 20 miles for her long run. This should work if you are just looking to finish a marathon. But if you're looking for a good time, then you should continue increasing your long run to more than 26 miles. The key is to allow enough time to reach your peak long run before the marathon. Then, the last week before the marathon, skip the long run, and run at an easier pace on the other runs.

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Old 03-04-2011, 05:02 PM  
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I'm in the middle of training for a marathon and using a plan that is working well so far. It's one I got from a friend who used it successfully several times, and one that I've cut in half and used to train for three 1/2 marathons. I can email it to you if you'd like. The gist is:

Tuesday short run (3 or 4 miles)
Wednesday moderate run (5 to 9 miles)
Thursday crosstrain (30 to 50 minutes)
Saturday long run (7 to 20 miles)

The distances above are on the short end early in the training and longer toward race day obviously. There is a pattern of building up distance for 2 weeks in a row and then backing off on the long runs too. My last 4 weekends have been 12, 13, 10, 15 miles. You taper off at the end too. My last 4 weekends are scheduled to be 20, 12, 8 miles.

EDIT: this is an 18 week plan.
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Old 03-05-2011, 09:05 AM  

Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 42 | Kudos: +11
i'm thinkin about doin the chicago marathon this year. i doubt i'll stick to any real regiment. I'm going to have to fit in all my longer runs when the schedule allows.
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