The best way to organize this is to open a group on Facebook. That way the dates and times would be easy to disseminate. Just about every club in the metroplex, the Bay Area Mashtronauts, Foam Rangers, Cane Island Alers and others are on Facebook. Even though this won't be a formal club, you could call it the Rockwell Beer Tasters or something like that, you could get the word out very quickly about meetups and attract a lot of people. This past weekend, the Alamo Drafthouse on Mason had a homebrew competition. The competition was pretty lame as far as the judging went, but the meet and greet was really nice. I shared two growlers, and 10 22oz bottles of brew with the attendees. I say the judging was lame because the WAIT STAFF did the judging to determine the finalist in each category. Most of them were one or two notches above Bud and Miller. A repackaged entry of Zima probably would have done great. I tasted most of the entries over and above the finalists and I can say unequivocably the the best beers were not in the final six which were winners of each category. So sure, I'd be willing to share my beer with people who know beer rather than a bunch of blue and pink haired metal faces.