I'd really like to see I-465 around Indy go to 65 mph. I drive the north side about every day and that seems to be the average speed, even by the police.
I'd like to see it go like California where the average speed of traffic dictates whether or not you can get a speeding ticket- meaning if you get ticketed for 70 on 465 and they do a study and find that people drive 70 instead of the posted 55 you don't get fined.
From what I hear, if you go under 65 (not in the construction zones), you're good. Construction, I stay under. The police like to play hide-and-seek around there.
But wait a minute!... If they raise the limit to 70mph, what will happend to the toddler that wanders out onto 465 when their mom passes out on the couch! That would put the toddler in way to much danger!!!
I had a thought once... but it got lonely and went away.
That seems to be the normal speed limit everyone goes already. I try to drive the speed limit or close to it these days. had too many tickets in the past.
As wide as it is on the east and west sides, I see no reason they can not raise the limit to 65 atleast, but we all know about the idiots and grandmas.
I could see the limit possibly going up after all the construction has been completed and the economy gets better. Having the ability to ticket 97% of all 465 travelers for speeding at any hour could bring in some serious money!
In all serious even after the construction has been completed the speed will not be increased much IMO due to the amount of on and off ramps.