Cool, welcome man! My wife's from Cape Girardeau, MO - about 2 hours south of St Louis in SEMO. In fact, we're thinking of relocating there after I get out of the Corps in 2013 - how do you like it down there?
Discover Scentsy at Lucky Lucy Scentsy Products - an independent Scentsy consultant!
Cool, welcome man! My wife's from Cape Girardeau, MO - about 2 hours south of St Louis in SEMO. In fact, we're thinking of relocating there after I get out of the Corps in 2013 - how do you like it down there?
I went school at SEMO - loved it down there!! I live about an hour north of there - but the Cape is a nice area - nice folks down there.
Crazy small world! I'm thinking of using my GI Bill to go to SEMO after I get out. It's an good area with, like you said, some friendly people. Although we plan on getting some land outside of town, maybe on the outskirts of Jackson or around there.
Discover Scentsy at Lucky Lucy Scentsy Products - an independent Scentsy consultant!
Crazy small world! I'm thinking of using my GI Bill to go to SEMO after I get out. It's an good area with, like you said, some friendly people. Although we plan on getting some land outside of town, maybe on the outskirts of Jackson or around there.
Awesome - there is a lot of pretty land down that way.