anybody raising goats?
i went in partners with a 17 year old kid with some goats. we have around 20 goats at the moment. everybody i know just turns them out in fields and lets them go. they trim the hooves when they need it and worm them. so of them feed them some goat feed, but other than that they just let them go in the fields.
i get daily calls from this kid. he could simply walk over. he has always got some kind of problem with the goats and there is never a problem with them. he's driving me nuts. our goats are a kiko/boer mix. i have paid for all of them but the boer billy and we split one female.
i'm about to sale the entire herd and be done with it. the daily calls and the nonproblem problems is driving me nuts!!!! so far i have trimmed the hooves while he held them still. we have had one goat that we have had to tend the kids, and they are ready to be turned out now with the rest of the herd.
this kid has show cattle. he just lets them walk around in the field and eat. he doesn't make as much a deal out of the catle as he does these damned goats!!!
anybody want to buy a herd of 20 goats?