So what do people do? I'm a mechanic in the KY national guard. I work full-time for them. This could be a good place to network. Perhaps trade services...or just drum up business. Whatever.
I just recently purchased a home in Nichvegas. Sure, it's not Lexington. I see it as a suburb
Ha, clearly Lexington getting its own sub forum was a waste of space and time. Maybe they should network better on some local forums about this site. Thats how I got sucked into this place. Now I cant find the exit!
Too bad to. I love the area, especially Richmond.
I had a thought once... but it got lonely and went away.
All it takes is a few of us posting links to this forum on our facebook pages and printing out those handy little biz cards they so graciously created for us. You don't even have to buy business card paper to do this, just purchase some heavy card stock and print both the front and back and then cut them out and leave them everywhere you go, hand them out to your co-workers, your friends, your family, and tell everyone to do the same. It doesn't take long for word to get around, it pretty much spreads like 'wildfire' in this town.....especially if it is the "newest" thing on the internet!
Julie Lynn - Lexington Kentucky Find out more at
All it takes is a few of us posting links to this forum on our facebook pages and printing out those handy little biz cards they so graciously created for us. You don't even have to buy business card paper to do this, just purchase some heavy card stock and print both the front and back and then cut them out and leave them everywhere you go, hand them out to your co-workers, your friends, your family, and tell everyone to do the same. It doesn't take long for word to get around, it pretty much spreads like 'wildfire' in this town.....especially if it is the "newest" thing on the internet!
Its easy to invite a friend all you need is their e mail address...Click on your Profile, then click on invite.
While I am brand New to City Profile, I am positive that we as a community should be able to grow this site quite quickly....
And thank you Ken for helping us Newbies and showing us the EASY way of spreading the word , somethings are too easy and that is why I can't find
So come on Lexington City Profile Members, let's challenge each other to try and do one thing each day, week, weekend to promote this site and help the Lexington site grow quickly. As this will benefit all of us in the long run.
Networking is the best way to find jobs, find people to work on your car at a cheaper rate, find items to buy for cheaper, etc. etc.
Julie Lynn - Lexington Kentucky Find out more at
...If anyone is interested in starting up an Airsoft team close to Lexington or currently looking for additional player, please contact me! I live in Lexington and my most recent weapon purchase was an A&K Magpul Masada ACR. E-mail me at:
-note; that is the Number Zero between two words, not an Alpha letter!