AllWheels is 400+ acres of private land with many trails,
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but just be careful where you wheel. It's a PITA to find out who owns land and get permission, but it's the only way to keep land open for us to use.
we are Maine Jason! its our job to be a PITA ... lol ... and its the only way we can keep our sport growing!
Enjoy Maine ... Tread Lightly, Respect the Landowner ... and get permission!
l am a member of the State of Maine's "Landowner/Sportsman Relations Advisor Board" (LSRAB) ... if there are questions, l can try and help ... l can't tell you who owns what, you have to go to the specific town for that ... but if you have State questions ... l can either tell you the answer or help you get it!!
Enjoy Maine ... Tread Lightly, Respect the Landowner ... and get permission!
oh wow. i guess i didnt know atvs are allowed? so the name of tht place is allwheels? and on college ave heading towards greene right? how are the trails there?
oh wow. i guess i didnt know atvs are allowed? so the name of tht place is allwheels? and on college ave heading towards greene right? how are the trails there?
At all-wheels, you can run anything (From my knowledge.) I believe the same is true for RMTP. Both Don (All Wheels) and John (RMTP) are great guys! Get their number off their site and give them a call! They're very cool folks. Most likely, if it's got wheels or tracks, they've either driven it, owned one or seen one run. If not, I bet they'd love to have the opportunity to do one of the above!
I know for sure that ATV's are allowed at both. I've seen pics of ATV's running at all wheels and one of our members drove his quad at RMTP when we were there last summer.
Family Friendly Jeeping in Maine
Yeah... Power lines in maine are 100% illegal for ohv. Its a $500 fine... And they are spotting with helicopters and game cameras. You have no idea you were caught until you get the fine in the mail with a pix of your rig and it's plate.
Joining a club is by far the best way to do it right... Our just go to all wheels or rmtp
Wow, good to know, I am up in northern Maine, more atv trails than you can shake a stick at. we do have lot's of unimproved roads up here, like route 1, 1a......etc.
There are tons of logging roads up north in Aroostook county that take you all over the place. Biggest problem up there is trying to figure out where the Roads stop and the atv trails start.