I'll be moving to Maryland in the next few months as my company moves. I am getting more into guns and would like to be able to get a conceal carry permit. I know that in PA the process is fairly simple but I have heard it's near impossible to get one in maryland.
Does anyone know how true this is? If you have a CC permit, can you let me know how easy/hard it was?
I am also wondering this, as I would like to pick on up, since I live in MD.. but I have to look into getting one for both DE and MD as I drive to DE for work each day, and I sort of live on the border between the two states... so depending on what part of my property I'm on as to who could get me for it... LOL...
I had my carry permit in Virginia, great state! I tried to get a permit in Maryland and was told I was not qualified enough. They have alot of restrictions and most people say it is a waste of time and money to try.
Extremely hard to obtain, takes for ever and the renew price goes up every year, My friend has it for his ar-15 w/ grenade launcher
Now that is hard to carry concealed. In maryland you have to have a job that requires you to carry. There will be a restriction that only allows you to carry when working and have the cash on your person if that is the qualifier. You can not just say you want it for personal protection, that won't fly.
Yup what madman said. You have to have a dangerous job that you carry money, you also can only carry from the point that you have the money on you until you drop the money off. So you cant just be going for a walk and have your gun on you.
You also have to have proof that you do carry money and such. Like if you are a tow truck driver, you need to show your license have verification from a boss and so forth.
I don't think a tow truck driver carries enough money to qualify, could be wrong but I don't think so. You don't necessarily have to have a dangerous job, just show reason that will satisfy the State Police.
If you are interested in helping to change MD's ridiculous laws, you should join up with Maryland Shall Issue I joined because someday I am moving back and do not want to give up my carry permit.