Damn! So many choices to pick from. Under the current politician category….
I can’t stand to hear Meninio talk. I can only understand about every other word and the little I can make out doesn’t make sense.
Patrick is a complete tool who will say anything to get elected. He rode in on “together we can” with no substance and then did exactly what he wanted, tax and spend. He lived up to exactly none of his campaign promises.
Martha Coakley doesn’t do anything within her job description but loves to stick her nose into everything else.
Barney Frank, I have no idea where to start with him. I’ll let the news papers make that argument for me.
Chuck Turner needs to resign. I have no idea what the people following him are thinking.
John Kerry is a self entitled prick
Niki Tsongas is riding the coat tails of her dead husband and hasn’t done anything other than sleep with the right guy to get where she is.
In the past category…
Ted Kennedy was a self entitled prick.
Dianne Wilkerson at least had the grace to leave her position when she got caught by the feds, even though Martha Coakley refused to prosecute her.
Name your favorite speaker, DiMasi out on charges, Finneran out on charges, Flaherty out on charges. I don’t know much about DeLeo but the 3 before him haven’t set the bar to high.
If I have to pick one, my vote right now has to be Barney.
MA is a breeding ground for career politicians after the example set by the exaulted Edward M. Kennedy, and that does not bode well for their constituants.
Charlie baker was probably the worst candidate this cycle. Scott Brown is pretty bad just because he doesn't stand for anything but political expediency. He supposed the Mass health care law, but then filibusters the federal one. He was a solid moderate in Mass but then he gets to washington and tries to play the hardball conservative. I don't trust people who change face that easy.
I went to the polls for no purpose except to cast my protest vote against her. The purpose of her career appears to be to help cover up the criminal activities of cops. Cops that kill, cops that rape, she dependably gets them off the hook as if its the official duty of the A.G. When the issue is corrupt pols, she mostly just ignores them rather than aiding and abetting the way she does with cops.