I'm a homebrewer, and used to live in MS. Google "Raise Your Pints" for the group trying to raise the % alc cap. There's also an online homebrew group as well called MSBrew. I think it's through Yahoo groups.
Yeah, I know there are a bunch of HBrs around Hattiesburg. Butch Bailey was telling me about the Hattiesburg Beer Club. We have a homebrew club around Jackson. HBAMM.ORG. We're registered through the AHA so we can compete in "club only competitions". We've brewed and served beer at the Memphis Brewfest last year, and we've brewed for Emerald Coast Beer Festival for the past two years.
I don't think it is illegal to brew in MS. I think that there are just no laws stating that you can brew at home. It's kind of a gray area. As far as raising the ABV%...I know that about 2 weeks ago the motion was denied =(. I guess we'll have to wait until next year....WISE UP POLITICIANS!
Everyone go to the Top Of The Hops(2cd Annual...just google it and buy tickets) event this year. You can join Rais Your Pints MS and help to support lobbyists who will advocate for increasing our ABV%
There are many "Bible Belters" that will fight any new alcohol laws (except those restricting it more) than you can shake a stick at. Funny thing is, I've arrested some of these pious people for DUI after leaving a casino on the coast... Go figure.
I have yet to see anyone prosecuted for home brewing unless they were trying to sell it. But I live on the coast, and we're all "wet" counties here.
I am Russ and I am a new brewer in MS. I live in Olive Branch. I am trying to get a network of people together to offer tips, recipes, and just banter sometimes. Anyone who has Facebook can join Midsouth WineMakers and HomeBrewers. I will provide you all with the link. Hope to get to know some of you guys better and improve my skills over time.
Hey there,
Yes, there are quite a few homebrewers in Mississippi. In fact, the Keg & Barrel in Hattiesburg is hosting their 2nd Annual Homebrewing competition on October 8, 2011. Click the link for more info: Keg and Barrel BREW PUB