Been wearing reading glasses for years now and usually get them in full framed style as I spend alot of time going over large blueprints. I've found that it's not the uber high teck lens that costs me but rather the high fashion, ultra light, titanium frames that cost the $$$$$$.
Lost that pair of reading glasses last year that I had the frames for 11 years prior. Found the original reciept for the lost titanium ultra light frames and discovered that I had paid $412.00 for them in 1999. That was the frames only.
The optometry shop that I go to had re lensed these frames a few times since I had got them new. Went to optemtrist shop to get exact copy of frames and script lenses and they no longer carried that brand. They were American made.
They said that since the recession was on that no one was buying that high of dollar frames and they dropped that line and all other spendy lines of frames. I got a cheap temporary pair of frames and script lenses from them and went on a 2 month search for something at least somewhat close to what I had.
Finally I found a set of ultra light titanium frames at some obscure high end shop and had new script lenses made to fit the new frames I had bought. Lenses cost the same as the inexpensive place and the frames actually cost just under $350.00. I know kind of stupid spendy but these frames are exactly what I want and weigh only 1.7 oz. Like the ones I lost they are so light I can't even tell that I have them on. Also I can wrinkle them up in a ball and they return to their exact original shape.
Now that being said, I buy only for high quality and don'tr care where the product is made or what it costs if is the highest quality made. Alot of American made products are of the highest qaulity but not so much as 20 years ago. I've found that at least as much of off shore products I've bought over the last 20 years have been of equal or even better quality in the same offerings of American made stuff.
Also, you'll never see me in a Wal Mart as the obease women wearing spandex with 8 unruley brats in tow severely depress and scare the shat out of me.