There's a good article on it. They're pretty abundant. This is just the first one that came up on Google. Oh, and he did it in just his first 19 months in office.
Discover Scentsy at Lucky Lucy Scentsy Products - an independent Scentsy consultant!
"Adding debt" does not imply "increased spending". Reduced revenues, caused by a recession that occurred before we even voted him into office, are the major cause of the debt increase.
Furthermore, I saw nothing in either of those articles that addressed inflation, or the fact thag Reagan-era dollars were far more valuable than current dollars.
We work together every damn day. --Jon Stewart
"Adding debt" does not imply "increased spending". Reduced revenues, caused by a recession that occurred before we even voted him into office, are the major cause of the debt increase.
Furthermore, I saw nothing in either of those articles that addressed inflation, or the fact thag Reagan-era dollars were far more valuable than current dollars.
Wow. More spending than all the presidents before him combined, and you're still blaming it on bush. I'm at a loss. You win.
Discover Scentsy at Lucky Lucy Scentsy Products - an independent Scentsy consultant!
Before Obama, 70% of the national debt was created during the terms of Reagan and the 2 Bushes. So they are all guilty. The only reduction in the national debt in the last 30 years came during the Clinton years.
Wow. More spending than all the presidents before him combined, and you're still blaming it on bush. I'm at a loss. You win.
Because it's *not* "more spending than all the presidents before him combined". Even your sources don't make that claim. They claim "Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents"
Do you understand the difference? Do you understand that spending can remain at the levels G.W. left it at, but that due to lower revenue, the debt will increase?
We work together every damn day. --Jon Stewart
Thank you, Eddie. That chart clearly shows what happened in Bush's last year in office: spending jumped dramatically. If you fit trend lines or curves to that data, you will see that Bush's spending jumped well above, and obama's projected spending comes back down to approach, if not go below that line or curve. Now, I know it annoys you to no end that the trend lines aren't perfectly level, but the reality of the situation is that we as a nation are better off with the debt than we would be if we had failed to spend what we did.
We work together every damn day. --Jon Stewart
Thank you, Eddie. That chart clearly shows what happened in Bush's last year in office: spending jumped dramatically. If you fit trend lines or curves to that data, you will see that Bush's spending jumped well above, and obama's projected spending comes back down to approach, if not go below that line or curve. Now, I know it annoys you to no end that the trend lines aren't perfectly level, but the reality of the situation is that we as a nation are better off with the debt than we would be if we had failed to spend what we did.
And just why might it annoy me? My concern is a debt that cannot be repaid and no-one has even a hint of a plan to mitigate it. I am not better off, and don't know anyone that is. The spending didn't help as it was misspent. If confidence is not lost things finally turn around on their own but the curve just keeps going upward which is dangerous. I just read "Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse", I hope we don't go that far.