As the U.S. economy worsens, protests such as those carried out by the Occupy Wall Street movement will turn ugly, breaking down into waves of violent unrest across the nation, says billionaire financier George Soros.
we have seen it all before, would not be surprised at the severe level of income disparity that exists today in America. I'm not for communism or handouts, but the laws fighting unions and fair wages/etc have crippled the working class and is bound to lead to issues
I don't believe it! I find I completely agree with RedJeep! I think I'm going to faint...
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.
Hold on Sideways....let me help by pouring you a glass of "Kool Aid!"
Thank you Mr. Kesey...and oh, look at all the pretty lights!
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.
we have seen it all before, would not be surprised at the severe level of income disparity that exists today in America. I'm not for communism or handouts, but the laws fighting unions and fair wages/etc have crippled the working class and is bound to lead to issues
You mean Unions and fair wage laws crippling competiveness on the world stage, right?
Oh, and the "debt" referred to in your little cartoon there... I guess that is not self incurred debt, right?
"A society that puts equality ... ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom."
When the unions were strong, America was the most stable economy in the world. American manufacturing was at it's peak. Jobs were plentiful. After the Republicans started the attack on the unions, to make their rich supporters richer, the decline started. Check American economic history. Every time minimum wages go up, they claim it will cost jobs, but history shows it doesn't.
Oh yeah, collective bargaining caused this all, ha ha, now that they've managed to deteriorate the strongest unions down to whimpering company puppy-dogs, looks like we're in a mess. I was in unions all my carreer and have seen their sorry demise. Young guys say they "don't need unions anymore" because the companies won't screw over their employees, yeah, right, but it was the UNION safety rep that called the company on their "shut the drift down" policies just before the MSHA reps toured through because of air quality. The UNION reps were fighting tooth & nail to hold benefits in tact but "they don't do nothing for us" was the reply from the rank n file newbs. Unfortunately, companies would bring back slave labor if they could while one or two at the top get fatter and fatter. Nothing is wrong with capitolism, I am all for someone getting rich, but not while exploiting the workers that got them there.
As far as unions go, they did do some great things when they started. There was a need for it. Now, it seems that some (if not most) of their requests (requirements) on businesses have been over the top. Look at the automakers. What do you think made them not able to compete with other automakers (especially those like Toyota and Honda)?
The chart basically shows that the overall compensation (wages, benefits, etc..) at Honda and Toyota were twice the national average, but HALF of what they were at the "big three". Seems a bit ridiculous to me. That is the problem with Unions. How can they even come close to competing???
****These numbers were from 2006**** I'm sure they have likely changed some.
"A society that puts equality ... ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom."