Voters with high levels of religiosity favor Mitt Romney, while voters who are moderately religious or nonreligious favor President Barack Obama, according to a new Gallup poll.
yeah, religious voters tend to be less intelligent (according to studies-just the messenger here) and much more likely to buy into the absurdities that the right keeps putting out. They buy into the fear of religion and are easily feared in the same way by the right. left does tend to be more atheist and able to think through things without being blinded by religion.
It is odd though since jesus would most certainly fall on the democrat side, and even that side would be too "right wing" for him. I cannot imagine anyone really studying the teachings of jesus and saying "yeah, Jesus would be ok with denying people healthcare" it is completely contrary to everything written about him. If you were to place Jesus into a political group today I am pretty certain the best group would be communists according to his teachings.
If religious voters tend to be less intelligent then how about religious candidates? It seems that atheists are a bit disenfranchised this go round as the choice is between two "Christians".
........ as the choice is between two "Christians".
and when has it not been the case in america? Granted to be fair I have never seen a christian run, I have seen many people that label themselves as christians run but have yet to actually asee a christian, but then if you go by the teachings VERY VERY few people in america actually are, most just want the label to be part of the group.
and when has it not been the case in america? Granted to be fair I have never seen a christian run, I have seen many people that label themselves as christians run but have yet to actually asee a christian, but then if you go by the teachings VERY VERY few people in america actually are, most just want the label to be part of the group.
because most people don't want to think for themselves and have to understand their choices have actions, they want to think god has it planned out for them, it is easier to understand than actually thinking about what is good or bad
because most people don't want to think for themselves and have to understand their choices have actions, they want to think god has it planned out for them, it is easier to understand than actually thinking about what is good or bad
You mean that Obama (or Romney), not wanting to think for himself, pretends to be a Christian?
You mean that Obama (or Romney), not wanting to think for himself, pretends to be a Christian?
who knows? but to be president of the U.S. you pretty have to play along. Heck to keep a job in the U.S. you have to play along sometimes.... I have never seen/asked/assumed anyone else at work is an atheist but I have seen a lot of disrespectful Christians that assume/try to convert people at work, so when it comes to the presidency it is sad, but true that the religious populace has to be deceived. (but then again if the religious voted in Jesus himself he would be communistic that in comparison not even fox news could spin it)