Im from GA and the majority of the younger population there want it legalized but I just dont see it happening any time soon in such a Conservative state... You never know though.
Texas is pretty conservative and we are talking about legalizing and a lot of counties have already started decriminalizing. Our border has a tremendous amount of violence, and what ever we can do to cut down on the drug trade the better we will be.
Keep it illegal. Once it's legal, it's going to be taxed to hell and prices are going to sky rocket. I'd rather take my chances with it illegal and cheap.
There are very few problems that cannot be solved by a suitable application of high explosives.
In California since medical pot was was voted to be legal, IMHO they have lost control. There are now over 1000 clinics just in L.A., and have to be guarded because of the many armed robberies. The storefronts look tacky, gangs are demanding their taxation, and the whole "medical" has become a joke. Sorry folks...I'll get off the soapbox!
I don't have a problem with it... so long as those who smoke it do so in their own homes (imo, the smoke smells terrible.) Put I can foresee alot of problems being created by its legalization. Of course, a few problems may go away too... if we were to legalize it, it may help curtail some of the drug trafficking because people will be able to buy it from more respectable places versus having to get it from some shady dealer under the table.
The so called drug war is a lost cause and the cause of more harm than good. Very few drugs are illegal because the government cares about our health.
Weed first started being outlawed, ironically, in CA during the early part of the 20th century to curb Mexican and Hispanic immigration and caught on in the southwest for the same reason. It was federally taxed for years and the only reason it was banned on a federal level was to slow the jazz movement in the 30s following it's ban in 1937 and largely lobbied for through yellow journalism by William Randolph Hearst because he was a logging and newspaper tycoon and didn't want cheaper alternatives to paper (hemp).
Then you've got years of misinformation through out the 40s and 50s and then the hippie movement in the 60s and 70s which lead to the federal ban of LSD and several other drugs to slow protesting of the Vietnam war. It was far easier to outlaw the drugs they were using and throw them and jail than it was to violate their first amendment rights.
Combine all that with Nancy Reagan and the rest of the washington housewives bs "just say no" policies and where has it gotten us? A multi-billion dollar a year "war" that has no hope of succeeding.
In California since medical pot was was voted to be legal, IMHO they have lost control. There are now over 1000 clinics just in L.A., and have to be guarded because of the many armed robberies. The storefronts look tacky, gangs are demanding their taxation, and the whole "medical" has become a joke. Sorry folks...I'll get off the soapbox!
So in your opinion it seems dispensaries are a bad idea, how do you feel about just legalizing it for recreational purposes, like booze.
I dont really think it should be LEGAL, but I also don't think it should be ILLEGAL, if you know what I mean..
I think its gotten to the point where either way theres going to be problems. I do think the "Drug War" is absolutely ridiculous. We could be putting those millions in to so many things that actually would SEE the results. Like the horrible education system some kids are put through.