Not that it should matter... BUT IT DID WHEN THE FIRST PICS WERE SHOWN ON THE NEWS. "Innocent little child" picture next to the old mugshot of Zimmerman... Typical.
I don't know what happened that day and don't know the REAL Trayvon or Zimmerman but the media chose the public outcry by their representation of the case....
"A society that puts equality ... ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom."
Apparently it is in several places. I should have included the origial link. This one, and others can be found by going to "google images" and typing in Trayvon finger or trayvon twitter... Apparently this is an image HE uploaded to his Twitter ID. (I don't know anything about "twitter myself..) Apparently the tattoo matches his on his Facebook. I think a site called "Daily Caller" may have some stuff but that site is blocked at my work here...
"A society that puts equality ... ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom."
Where is the media?????
A week ago, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a black kid named Tyrone Woodfork severely beat an elderly couple, a Mr. & Mrs. Strait, who had been married for 65 years. Tyrone RAPED Mrs. Strait, and she died of injuries received at his hands. Mr. Strait served in the 101st Airborne during WWII. The National media has not carried the story. Tyrone was arrested yesterday.
I suppose that if Mr. Strait had shot Tyrone, the whole country would know about the story. As it is, only Mrs. Strait died, so it's not of interest to Brian Williams and the rest of the main stream media.
Think about it. After 65 years of marriage. After serving our country. After 90 years of life, Mr.Strait has lost his wife to a rapist/murderer. NO ONE in the national media gives a flip. They're only interested in their wonderful hero, Trayvon Martin
The media likes to stir the pot. They blow crap up way out of proportion, tell lies on some things and just plain get the other crap wrong. There was a mentally retarded guy shot to death in AZ and it was only covered locally.
Zimmerman's medical report shows that he had a broken nose, 2 black eyes, cuts to the back of his head and bruises. Other than the gunshot, Martin's only injury was bruised knuckles.