Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The Consitution says "so what!" | Washington Times Communities
"No [Presidential] candidate should become the spokesman for his faith. For if he becomes president he will need the prayers of the people of all faiths." - Mitt Romney (2007)
HOUSTON, Tx., October 12, 2011—It is funny, and not in a ha-ha way, that Romney’s Mormonism seems to bother so many when history shows us that Presidential religious affiliation really doesn’t matter.
Our country was founded under a more liberal mindset then we enjoy today. As stated in the Constitution, Article 6, Clause 3: “…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
The Constitution should be good enough and one must ask where is the outspoken and vocal outrage by those self-anointed “defenders of the Constitution”?. Their silence is deafening.
haven't we been over this issue before--the 'religion'/faith/beliefs of the POTUS?
not only was the nation founded with a more 'liberal' mindset--it was a highly educated mindset---i don't know that that is truly 'liberal'--enlightened people with common sense laid the Foundation.
Ben Franklin--pretty conservative according to the 'Poor Richard's Almanac'--lived liberally---more of a libertarian type to me.
i thought the founders were libertarians---they certainly wanted religious freedom, and Freedom in general.
Certainly were not like some of the Liberals of today--not those actually leading the founding--didn't have the time for anything very frivolous. Religion was extremely 'conservative'---the majority of people seemed to be somehow involved in church---
i don't know and not important.
If Thomas Jefferson could edit the Bible--i don't see the alarm.
evidently the Mormon church sufficiently developed the character of Mitt Romney--fine with me.
I prefer his ideas to anything else that is being said.
He isn't ranting like a madman--that is impressive. Has the right qualifications--good combination.
Unless he comes up with something radical --he is fine with me.