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Old 09-18-2010, 11:03 AM  

Webster, New York
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Truth, Justice, or the Obama Way

The Justice Department is forced to investigate itself.

It is about to get harder for both the Obama administration and the mainstream media to downplay the New Black Panther party scandal.

The mainstream media did their best to ignore this blatant case of voter intimidation by two New Black Panther party members at a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day 2008. Though the threatening behavior was captured on videotape, Obama political appointees dismissed the case on the eve of a default judgment. When in early June a key trial team member, Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams, resigned and then testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, the media grudgingly reported on his testimony.

But, despite Adams?s testimony that the case was indicative of a widespread aversion in the Voting Section to colorblind enforcement of the civil rights laws, the media framed the story as an isolated case unworthy of continuing coverage. After all, just one witness was claiming that this was the mindset in the Justice Department. And besides, the head of the Civil Rights Division, Thomas Perez, had testified before both Congress and the commission that the case was legally and factually defective. He had also insisted there was no opposition in the department to enforcing civil rights laws against minority defendants.

In fact, there is ample evidence, including Justice Department emails obtained by The Weekly Standard, that Perez testified untruthfully. There is every reason to believe, moreover, that if allowed to testify, several other Justice Department attorneys would substantiate Adams?s allegations and contradict Perez?s sworn testimony. Not to mention that the department itself acknowledged last week that the matter of biased enforcement of voting laws requires investigation.

Read the rest here---->> Truth, Justice, or the Obama Way | The Weekly Standard

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Old 09-20-2010, 05:21 PM  

Webster, New York
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This is heating up nicely..

Proof: New Records Show DOJ Lied About New Black Panther Dismissal

Judicial Watch made an explosive announcement today about the Justice Department?s stonewalling in the New Black Panther voter intimidation case dismissal. Forced to bring a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit after DOJ rebuffed its public records request (so much for transparency), Judicial Watch obtained a privilege log from the DOJ last week.

It shows ? in a rather dramatic way ? that the DOJ has been untruthful about who was involved in the dismissal of the case.

In July, I complied with a subpoena and provided testimony to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. I did so in part because inaccurate statements had been made about the case by DOJ officials. Some of these statements falsely claimed that ethical rules mandated the dismissal of the charges against the New Black Panthers. This was nonsense.

But the real whopper? DOJ?s claim ? repeated over and over again ? that career civil servants were wholly responsible for the spiking of the case.

Today we learn, from the Department?s own records, that this claim is demonstrably false.

The privilege log produced in the FOIA litigation contains stunning entries. They show regular discussions and deliberations between the highest political officials inside the DOJ, including the deputy attorney general and the associate attorney general, about what to do with the case. This contradicts numerous statements made to Congress, the Civil Rights Commission, and to the public.

Some of these statements were under oath.

You can read a bunch more here---->> Pajamas Media ? Proof: New Records Show DOJ Lied About New Black Panther Dismissal

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Old 09-24-2010, 07:43 PM  

Webster, New York
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I'm sure the community organizer in chief and his regime haven't had any input on this..

Voting Rights Official Calls Dismissal of Black Panther Case a 'Travesty of Justice'

The Justice Department is ignoring civil rights cases that involve white victims and wrongly abandoned a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party last year, a top department official testified Friday. He called the department's conduct a "travesty of justice."

Christopher Coates, former voting chief for the department's Civil Rights Division, spoke under oath Friday morning before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, in a long-awaited appearance that had been stonewalled by the Justice Department for nearly a year.

Coates discussed in depth the DOJ's decision to dismiss intimidation charges against New Black Panther members who were videotaped outside a Philadelphia polling place in 2008 dressed in military-style uniforms -- one was brandishing a nightstick -- and allegedly hurling racial slurs.

The case has drifted in and out of the limelight over the past year as the commission has struggled to investigate it. Former Justice official J. Christian Adams fueled the controversy when he testified in July and accused his former employer of showing "hostility" toward cases that involved white victims and black defendants.

Nearly three months later, Coates backed up Adams' claims. In lengthy and detailed testimony, he said the department cultivates a "hostile atmosphere" against "race-neutral enforcement" of the Voting Rights Act.

He said civil rights attorneys stick to cases that involve minority victims, and he said the Black Panther case was dismissed following "pressure" by the NAACP and "anger" at the case within the Justice Department itself.

"That anger was the result of their deep-seated opposition to the equal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act against racial minorities and for the protection of white voters who have been discriminated against," he said.

Read more here-->>FOXNews.com - Voting Rights Official Calls Dismissal of Black Panther Case a 'Travesty of Justice'

Dems Use Colbert to Successfully Distract From Obama DOJ Scandal
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Old 09-25-2010, 10:26 PM  
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Hah, you're news-posting-crazy, my friend!

So what is your opinion? I opened this thread for an argument, not to read the news!
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Old 09-26-2010, 11:24 AM  

Webster, New York
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Originally Posted by Jake7 View Post
Hah, you're news-posting-crazy, my friend!

So what is your opinion? I opened this thread for an argument, not to read the news!
My opinion?

The whole frigg'en system is corrupt. Obama and his merry bunch of idiots scares me more than the last 3 regimes combined,, This racist social justice redistribution of wealth and power dream world these zombies envision is so flawed it's insane. It has never worked anywhere in the world before but they think the only reason it has never worked is because they weren't the ones running it..

I'm not here to argue, I'm here to enlighten, to show what the state controlled liberal media buries because it doesn't suit their minority agenda
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