What if?
$1 trillion dollars.
Man, wrap your mind around that for a minute.
A trillion dollars is a heck of alot of dinero.
We have gone WAYYY beyond that figure now.
Now, there were a lot of wheels in motion that brought us to our knees, but the act of taking us to war against a country that posed no threat to us, and against a group that could not be found, has really come back to bite us HARD.
We have spent over a trillion dollars on this "war" so far, and what has it gotten US?
What, exactly, hath our folly wrought?
Do we have access to more oil?
Do we have cheaper oil?
Have our countrymen been put back to work building war equipment like in WWII?
Has our economy rebounded because of this war?
What could we have done instead with that trillion dollars?
What would our economy look like today had we spent that money on rebuilding our infrastructure, putting in mass transit trains across the country, making funds available to small business instead of corporations?
What could we have done with a trillion dollars spent HERE?
Who knows? We will NEVER know now. The money is GONE, never to return.
SOME people made multi-millions from the war though.
It did enrich a select few.
Today we have a groundswell of people calling for the return of the very same people who enriched themselves at OUR expense.