Well put. Obama can't control the corporations and force them to hire people. He can't force corporations to lower their enormous profit margins. Unless you want to be able to blame the guy for being communist. You guys just hate our black president because he wants everyone to have what you have, but the elite wealthy don't want just everyone to have what they have. The country club has a limit on the number of members!
For the record my first presidential vote went to George Herbert Walker Bush in 1988. I voted for GHWB again in 1992. My vote in the 1996 Florida Republican presidential preference primary went to Alan Keyes. So everyone who is opposed to Obama is not opposed to Obama because he is black (and actually he?s a mulatto- he is not 100% African, nor is he 100% American).
And if Slick had known what he was doing foreign policy wise, we wouldn?t have had a 9-11 and therefore no war in Iraq or Afghanistan.
And we only had a budget surplus in 2000 because the Republicans took over both houses of Congress in 1995.
Oh I know and those thrifty republicans are so frugile too! Reagan racked up the biggest national debt ever in history at that time. Republican response? It's only on paper anyways. When it came to sucking on foreign policy, mr W was the man. Clinton missed a few, but scored lots of hits. Bush? He screwed up every situation time and again. Talk about not a clue. He flies out to an aircraft carrier with a banner that read "Mission accomplished" What an idiot. That man was right from the cast of the three stooges. Obama has way more on the ball and he actually sounds intelligent too when he spoke, and people love W!
For the record my first presidential vote went to George Herbert Walker Bush in 1988. I voted for GHWB again in 1992. My vote in the 1996 Florida Republican presidential preference primary went to Alan Keyes. So everyone who is opposed to Obama is not opposed to Obama because he is black (and actually he?s a mulatto- he is not 100% African, nor is he 100% American).
Tell that to those nut bag tea party fanatics. They just look for any excuse to bich. People were whining just days after he took over Bushes huge friggin mess, before he actually did a thing. People just need to whine snivle and bich just because with many repubs, there is no compromise or any other opinion other than their own.
Oh I know and those thrifty republicans are so frugile too! Reagan racked up the biggest national debt ever in history at that time.
With a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives.
Under the Constitution the federal government cannot spend money without enacting a law that tells the president to spend money. And all laws to spend money must originate in the House of Representatives.
For the record, I hope Obama looses next round so the friggin belly aching snivvling and whinning stops. These republican fanitics really are the culprits bringing this country down. Shame!
Tell that to those nut bag tea party fanatics. They just look for any excuse to bich. People were whining just days after he took over Bushes huge friggin mess, before he actually did a thing. People just need to whine snivle and bich just because with many repubs, there is no compromise or any other opinion other than their own.
The Democrats didn't do likewise when GWB took office in 2001? And didn't the Democrats go to court in an effort to keep GWB out of office even though GWB won the 2000 election in accordance with Constitution?
The Democrats didn't do likewise when GWB took office in 2001? And didn't the Democrats go to court in an effort to keep GWB out of office even though GWB won the 2000 election in accordance with Constitution?
Wrong again! It was a disputed election. The Dems wanted a recount. The repubs blocked it through the courts. Talk about democracy! If Obama had pulled the same move, all hell would have broke out.
With a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives.
Under the Constitution the federal government cannot spend money without enacting a law that tells the president to spend money. And all laws to spend money must originate in the House of Representatives.
The Dems suck too, It's just that the repubs suck more. But the real problem is the lobbyists who run America through this countrties network of corporations. See the movie docu, "The best government money can buy! It's sickening!
Wrong again! It was a disputed election. The Dems wanted a recount. The repubs blocked it through the courts. Talk about democracy! If Obama had pulled the same move, all hell would have broke out.
The Democrats got their re-count and they lost it. And then they sued.
The Dems suck too, It's just that the repubs suck more. But the real problem is the lobbyists who run America through this countrties network of corporations. See the movie docu, "The best government money can buy! It's sickening!
Not half as sickening as political revisionists who ignore and manipulate facts and history to suport their deplorable liberal/libertarian ideology.