They did not get a complete recount. I realize hands down that W won, but the ballots were not recounted. The Bush administration, as they did over and over, once again, squelched openess and transperancy, in favor of secrecy and obstructionism. Someone else want to jump in here? I'm getting hungry!
They did not get a complete recount. I realize hands down that W won, but the ballots were not recounted.
They got a recount in accordance with Florida law. The Democrats wanted a recount based on standards of their own making because they could not win as long as the law was obeyed.
[quote]The Bush administration, as they did over and over, once again, squelched openess and transperancy, in favor of secrecy and obstructionism.[/qutoe]
There was no Bush administration during the re-count mess. So just what are you blaming it for?
Someone else want to jump in here? I'm getting hungry!opcorn
And we only had a budget surplus in 2000 because the Republicans took over both houses of Congress in 1995.
Willie worked with the GOP because both he and the Right agreed on a budget that allowed Willie to hand Bush a surplus. If the GOP Congress was a part of balancing the budget under Willie they must take blame for the lax oversight and for passing Dubya unaffordable tax cuts to BIG OIL. He gave Exxon a tax credit the same quarter their after taxes take home for 90 days was 4.5 BILLION dollars.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
Well put. Obama can't control the corporations and force them to hire people. He can't force corporations to lower their enormous profit margins. Unless you want to be able to blame the guy for being communist. You guys just hate our black president because he wants everyone to have what you have, but the elite wealthy don't want just everyone to have what they have. The country club has a limit on the number of members!
"You guys"? Are you calling me a racist? So if I don't agree with every single one of Obama's gigs, I don't like him because he's black? You're silly.
Should Obama give me his lawyer wages because I was too LAZY to go to law school? ANY lawyer out there, should they give me their money because I was too LAZY to go to school? You're silly!! Heck NO they should NOT!
You don't realize that I have been a member in good standing to 5 different labor unions in my career, and still hold card to one. I am well aware of "corporate America" and it's selfishness. You're NOT talking to any "elite wealthy" here, you're talking to rank n file blue collar bargening unit.
He screwed up every situation time and again. Talk about not a clue. He flies out to an aircraft carrier with a banner that read "Mission accomplished" What an idiot. That man was right from the cast of the three stooges. Obama has way more on the ball and he actually sounds intelligent too when he spoke, and people love W
I can hate a Nixon but you really must know George was just window dressing. Rove and Cheney pulled the strings and George appeared to dance.
And didn't the Democrats go to court in an effort to keep GWB out of office even though GWB won the 2000 election in accordance with Constitution?
According to the constitution doesn't cover having a court decide what a recount should have decided. It's all History now and George Bush will go down as the worst president in our country's History.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
[quote=flaja;103141]They got a recount in accordance with Florida law. The Democrats wanted a recount based on standards of their own making because they could not win as long as the law was obeyed.
The Bush administration, as they did over and over, once again, squelched openess and transperancy, in favor of secrecy and obstructionism.[/qutoe]
There was no Bush administration during the re-count mess. So just what are you blaming it for?
Not hardly. I just think that "you guys" hate the man because he is inclusive of those who typically are discriminated against. The republicans like making simple issues complicated and anti American sounding with "sound bytes" and scare tactics. Classic! Obama is a facist. Obama is a communist. I mean serious! As for the second part, if a person works hard, they should get what they deserve. The republican philosophy is just the opposit for the better part.