Best place along the Reno to Vegas drive?
Okay so I've done this drive roughly one million times. It's essentially 430 miles of nothing (interesting or otherwise) with about 10 miles of "meh, it was something."
However, there are some landmarks that tend to stick out. Which is your favorite?
Mine? The shoetree north(??) of Walker Lake. While approaching it, it appears to be a willow with a lot of hanging branches. But as you get closer you notice the foliage is actually shoes with their laces tied together and flung over the large branches. It appears to be long dead but the travelers keep it alive!
I remember one year someone took down all of the shoes (DAG-GUM GOV'MENTS!) and they cut back the branches slightly... but that didn't stop people from giving life back to the ancient tree.
And this isn't on US-95 between Reno and Vegas.... but anybody from the Reno/Sparks/Verdi area notice that when you are coming back into Nevada on I-80, on the welcome sign just below "Welcome to Nevada" reads, in small lovingly written out words, "Go Back to California." Makes me laugh every time.