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Old 05-21-2011, 03:54 PM  
Junior Member

NYC, New York
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Newbie here.. Just a word of advice before using any contractor make sure they are licensed ASK TO SEE THE LICENSE of the person actually doing the work. I am in the riverdale section of the Bronx and was called to check a job in williamsburg as a so called ROTO drain cleaner used some really unskilled / non licensed employee and cost a building owner several thousand dollars in damages .. for your safety do not allow non licensed plumbers /drain cleaners or electricans near your investment

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Old 05-21-2011, 04:09 PM  
blucher's Avatar

Keizer, OR
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good advice, I'
I've heard a few terrible stories in the past.

I'd like to get some work painting apartments because of the economy but I would not hire on to do anything beyond my experience.

I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
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Old 05-21-2011, 05:00 PM  
Junior Member

NYC, New York
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Thank you Keizer, the problem is many ROTO franchises beat licensing laws by saying "we are sending over a tech" as many states do require a plumbing even a drain cleaning license and saying "tech" beats licensing laws . The franchise roto groups pay hefty amounts to advertise thus they have to charge rip off prices to make up for call backs and what can be considered false advertising. I wonder how many people would go into a car knowing the driver is not licensed or going into an airplane with a pilot who had OJT in 6 -12 weeks?

hope fully after the "spread the wealth" concept we can all get back to work instead of being "citizens of the wqorld" giving to every nation except helping our own

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Old 05-21-2011, 06:02 PM  
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Keizer, OR
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I dunno about that part, the first time I saw the South Bronx I thought I was in a 3rd world country. As far as I could see everything was rubble.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
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Old 05-22-2011, 09:44 AM  
Junior Member

NYC, New York
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Ah yes the South Bronx that the Democraps (Carter) said he would fix and so did the Clinton and a host of others until Republican Mayor Rudy actually did something.

Seems the poor folks keep voting for the same party over and over and do not realize their task masters have to keep them caged like an animal that depends on their task masters for food ,housing and crack money.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Look at the poorest regions in the USA and see the party that has been in office many for over 80 years and still no change for the better
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