Hey Western New Yorkers, are you sick of the millions of voters in NYC stealing the vote from upstate? It seems everyone I know up here is like minded as me...but the vote always gets stolen by our populous cities! I think NY would be better without NYC. Why would anyone really even want to live there? Really...I want to know. If the **** hit the fan right now and the state lost electricity for an indefinate period of time....what would happen? I dont know about you, but I and my family would be just fine. NYC would turn into a murder hole. No thanks.
Just trying to start a conversation here...and no I am not a redneck, I hold a Masters degree. Just want to know how other "upstaters" feel.
I whole wholeheartedly agree, and the same is true of most every city in the country. California is a great example, plenty of right minded individuals out of the cities but LA and SanFran have enough schmucks to screw over an entire state.
CONGRATULATIONS! Now you understand the necessity of the Electoral College. Imagine if national elections were determined by a dozen or so major urban centers and everyone else got screwed!
NYC sucks an enormous amount of New Yorkers' tax dollars to fund various projects. There's no way they would allow the rest of New York State off the hook to pay their bills.
How about making NYC the 51st state? Plenty of people and money, save the rest of us the hassle of wrestling money upstate to fund the things we need here.