Sir; based on my understanding?? no
you cannot see the entire NC; we know what it is; Charlotte Police do not
I'll look and see if I can find the link that describes the whole deal!?!?
found the words?
November 26, 2009 2:46 AM
Beginning Tuesday, a new law goes into effect that requires the state’s name across the bottom of the plate as well as the year and month stickers on a license plate to be fully visible.
Under the new law, plates can no longer be partially covered by a license frame, according to a news release from the N.C. Department of Transportation.
Vehicle owners can be cited for committing an infraction and, after Nov. 30, 2010, fined $100 for the violation.
The law was introduced in the 2009 session of the General Assembly and was supported by law enforcement officials because it increases the readability of registration information on the plates and helps identify vehicles registered in North Carolina, the DOT said.
found @