didn't see another thread like this so guess i'll start one.
i'm sure at least some of you on here have hobbies other than your jeeps so lets see em'
mine is RC trucks. in total i'v owned 14 vechicles and still have 9 of them and i don't even want to think about how many thousands of dollars i'v spent on them in the past couple years. i started out with rock crawlers and have moved onto all different types from gas powered monster trucks to on road cars and helicopters to name a few, here's a few of them
my first truck, i use this truck for crawling competions. had it for over two years and the only stock/original parts are the axles, tranny, and shocks

one of the gas trucks i used to own. had a 4.6cc engine and two speed tranny, this thing would do 45mph easy

every truck i buy is destin to be modifyed in some way. in this trucks case it was a custom hillclimber build with the axles and tranny.

during the transformation (still in progress)

another custom build, made the back half of the body from scratch.

willys jeep build, again usesing just the axles and tranny from an existing truck

another jeep

the heli

and last but not least, my favorite truck of all. My scratch built Jeep J10 6x6 rockcrawler. the only truck (so far) that didn't start life out as another truck.
well that's my other addiction, whats yours? (legal addictions that is)